Master Classes - Concertotata

Concerto Nonprofit Kft. Tata (Hungary)
Tartalomhoz ugrás

Master Classes

Music Master Classes

18th Ervin Schiffer

International Music Master Classes, Tata (Hungary)
Solo instruments and chamber music
12-23th August 2024.

Dear Friends,

For 20 years young talented musicians travelled to the Swiss town of Morges, Switzerland to study in master classes, perform chamber music and improve their instrumental skills at the Cours International de Musique.

The town council of Tata and the government of Komarom-Esztergom County are extending their hospitality and support to help us continue the tradition that was established in Morges.
Join us once again in the relaxed atmosphere of small-town Hungarian hospitality and work with an experienced and well-known international faculty.

Kati Sebestyén violinist

artistic director

Postal address:
Marianna Dezső course director
Concerto Nonprofit Kft.
H-2890 Tata, Vaszary János street 7. (Hungary)
Telephone: 00-36-20-969-4127


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